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4 Ways Tech Can Streamline the Supply Chain

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While the state of the supply chain and manufacturing backlogs are out of a contractor’s control, improving procurement processes can help keep budgets and schedules under control. In this guide, you’ll learn tips to streamline the supply chain.

  • Communication methods
  • Better inventory tracking
  • Reduce duplicate data entry

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Modern Best Practices for Specialty Contractor CFOs

Specialty trade contractors face tight cash flows due to supply chain issues and inflation but have a significant growth opportunity with increased commercial construction activity and funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Success depends on strong cash positions. Additionally, firms must adapt to digital workflows preferred by younger workers, creating process disruptions. CFOs play a crucial role in adopting new best practices to navigate these challenges and remain competitive. This report outlines these practices based on insights from Kojo's 500+ specialty contractor customers.

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